Saturday, June 20, 2015

Weekend Gamer 6/20/2015

Looking for something to play this weekend. I know what I'll be playing!

Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (XB360)

I've been playing Skyrim all week actually, leveling up my character, Maxwell Orgshire. He's currently on Level 13. I managed to become Thane of Whiterun and Riften as well as purchased houses from both towns. Killed about five dragons so far. I've got my goal of become Thane of all the major towns, as well as purchases as much houses as possible. I've mostly been ignoring all of the main quests and doing mostly side quests. This will keep me occupied until I save up enough money for a new video card for my PC.

Fallout 3 (XB360)

Since the recent announcement of Fallout 4 (which I'm working on a short preview for as we speak, probably will be posted tomorrow) I've thought I'd play the third game before the fourth comes out. I've never really cared for Fallout, but the fourth one looks simply amazing. My friend keeps telling me to finish Fallout 3 before I play Fallout 4, so that's what I'm going to do.

Game On!

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