Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Stranded Deep

Stranded Deep is an open world survival simulator, currently in early access on Steam, developed by Beam Team Games. You may have already heard of it from watching Let's Plays by Markiplier, Pewdiepie, and Jacksepticeye. For being in an early access state, it sure is a beautiful game. It does have it's fair share of bugs, however, it seems to improve with each and every patch update. If one were to compare Stranded Deep to Robert Zemeckis' Cast Away (starring Tom Hanks), they would almost be identical.

Don't fuck with sharks. They will kill you in real life and in Stranded Deep!

The game, of course, takes place out in the ocean with various islands randomly generated on the map. Being that this is the ocean, there are a large number of various aquatic life. For example, the Tiger Shark - one of the less aggressive creatures you'll encounter. For the most part, Tiger Sharks will leave you alone. However, don't mess with the Great White Shark. Great Whites will try to get you off your raft and kill you. There are also Lionfish (which are poisonous), Humpback Whales, and Stingrays.  There is just so much life going on in the ocean within this game. It's really amazing!

Along with the wide range of creatures, there are also many tools that can found or crafted within Stranded Deep. Some of the tools that can be found on islands or shipwrecks are Duct Tape, Whistle, Label Maker, Machete, and so on. Other tools can be crafted such as the Crude Spear, Raft, Fish Trap, and so on. Each tool will help you survive longer in the game. With the fish trap you can catch fish and feed yourself so you don't go hungry. A Crude Axe will help you collect wood to craft a camp fire to cook some of your meat for survival.

You can find various treasures in shipwrecks, just watch out for sharks.

Along with crafting tools, you can craft many other things as well. When you first get onto an island, you should build a Crude Axe to cut down more wood to craft a camp fire and bed. You can also craft a foundation to build a shelter. This is all helpful for your survival in Stranded Deep. As I said before, this is quite a beautiful game for being in early access. If you get the chance, download this game and give it a try. It is fun and entertaining, and aren't you curious on how long you could survive within the Stranded Deep Universe.

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